Mélodie Lapointe



  • Mélodie Lapointe and Christophe Reutenauer. On the Frobenius Conjecture . Integers, Volume 21(A67) , page 1-9, 2021. [doi]
  • Antoine Abram, Mélodie Lapointe and Christophe Reutenauer. Palindromization and construction of Markoff triples . Theoretical Computer Science, Volume 809, page 21-29, 2020. [doi]
  • Mélodie Lapointe. Number of orbits of Discrete Interval Exchanges . Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science, Volume 21(3) , page Paper No. 17, 16, 2019. [arXiv, doi]
  • Alexandre Blondin Massé, Julien de Carufel, Alain Goupil, Mélodie Lapointe, Émile Nadeau and Élise Vandomme. Leaf realization problem, caterpillar graphs and prefix normal words . Theoretical Computer Science, Volume 732(3) , page 1-13, 2018. [doi]

Actes de conférences (Proceedings)

  • Mélodie Lapointe . Perfectly clustering words are primitive positive elements of the free group . 13th International conference WORDS 2021, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 12847, Springer, page 117--128, 2021.
  • Mélodie Lapointe . Automorphisms of the Free Group and Perfectly Clustering Words . JMM 2020 : AMS Special Session on Sequences, Words and Automata, Denver, État-Unis, 15 janvier 2020.
  • Alexandre Blondin Massé, Julien de Carufel, Alain Goupil, Mélodie Lapointe, Émile Nadeau and Élise Vandomme. Fully leafed induced subtree . 29e Atelier international sur les algorithmes combinatoires (IWOCA 2018), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 10979, Springer, page 90-101, 2018. [doi]
  • Mélodie Lapointe . Study of Christoffel classes: normal form and periodicity . WORDS 2017, Volume 10432, Springer, page 109-120, 2017. [doi]
  • Alexandre Blondin Massé, Mélodie Lapointe and Hugo Tremblay. Parallelogram morphisms and circular codes . Language and automata theory and applications (LATA 2016), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 9618, Springer, page 221-232, 2016. [doi]
  • Alexandre Blondin Masse, Alain Goupil and Mélodie Lapointe. Tree and Snake Polyominoes of Maximal Area . Génération aléatoire de structures combinatoires (GASCom), Bertinoro, Italie, 23-25 juillet, 2014. [pdf]
  • Mélodie Lapointe , Alexandre Blondin Massé, Philippe Galinier, Mélanie Lord and Odile Marcotte. Enumerating minimum feedback vertex sets in directed graphs . Bordeaux Graph Workshop (BGW 2012), Bordeaux, France, 21-24 novembre, 2012. [pdf]

Thèse de doctorat

  • Mélodie Lapointe. Combinatoire des mots: Mots parfaitement amassants, triplets de Markoff et graphes chenilles. Thèse de doctorat en mathématiques, Montréal, UQAM, 2020, 164p. [pdf]

Mémoire de maîtrise

  • Mélodie Lapointe. Caractérisation des mots de Christoffel. Mémoire de maîtrise en mathématiques, Montréal, UQAM, 2016, 81p. [pdf]